So I'm a new knitter right? Brand new, less than a month knitting. But being the bonehead that I am, I insisted on starting something fairly complicated, at least for a newbie. I went straight for the Steek Vest in Teva Durham's Loop-d-Loop knitting book. In all fairness to myself, I did look for a 'easy' pattern, all though I'm beginning (get it??) to learn that pattern difficulty ratings are very relative. It's knit in the round with ribbing at the bottom, and then knit stitches going up with wraps around the needle in the center to create drop stitches. I did great until I got to the place where you split the front and back up to start the armholes. Suddenly I'm having so many problems and my vest seems to be more knots than knits. So my friend and I decide to go to the "Chix with Sticks" at the LYS tonight so that I can get some major first aid for my idiotic attempt to knit something so out of my league. We make a production out of it and meet and drive out...only to discover a sign on the door saying "reminder, no chix with sticks tonight". Reminder...don't you have to be told before you can be reminded? Oh well. Maybe by next week I will have dug myself out of my hole.
In the meantime I have started another beyond beginner pattern. I fell in love with the Prairie Boots on Coco Knits, and I just have to make them! I have finished the sole on one boot so far, and I'll put up pics when I get a little further. I'm making them out of Yarn Bee's Mosaic Twist, which I bought like 40 skeins of when it was on super sale, i.e. from $9.00 apiece to $.99. More info on this wonderful pattern soon!
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