I thought that graduating school would mean that I had lots of spare time, but wow, was I wrong! I took on multiple crafting projects, volunteered for the March of Dimes, spent tons of time working on my portfolio, and went on vacation to Florida to visit my mother-in-law and her fiance.
For the March of Dimes I made bracelets and monster stuffies (with the help of a couple of loyal friends) and they all sold out. :) Here are a couple pictures: 

The trip to Florida was amazing. We visited St. Augustine, (my namesake as my last name is Augustine, and of course I always knew I was a saint ;) ) as well as Downtown Disney and Epcot Center, and we stayed with the in-laws in Ormond Beach. I was smitten with St. Augustine; I think it was the most beautiful place I've ever been. The gardens were to die for. Pictures can be seen here:
The other thing that we did on vacation was eat and drink continuosly. I am now on the "Special K" diet to combat the 5 pounds I gained drinking Mojitos and eating cuban food, seafood, desserts, and everything else that came my way. Ah well, Ce la vie.